Kaplan Orthodontics - Am I Too Old to Straighten My Teeth?

Kaplan Orthodontics - Am I Too Old to Straighten My Teeth?

May 01, 20242 min read

Am I Too Old to Straighten My Teeth?

By Dr. Jason Kaplan, Orthodontist | Owner, Kaplan Orthodontics

In late 2020 and early 2021 orthodontics, and the world, was very different from previous years. When the COVID-19 outbreak occurred, most adults wore masks, attended Zoom meetings, and did not experience social interactions as frequently as before. In essence, this was the perfect time for them to address an issue that may have been bothering them for years or decades: crooked teeth! The masks covered their smile so they could enjoy braces or aligners (like Invisalign®) without feeling awkward in social settings.

The number of adults seeking orthodontics has increased rapidly over the past decade and now the American Association of Orthodontists reports that “1 in 3 orthodontic patients” are adults. The social stigma has vanished and now adults are seeking treatment for many reasons. Their teeth may need to be realigned because they did not wear their retainer and their teeth shifted over the years. Orthodontic treatment may be needed to prepare teeth for veneers, crowns, jaw surgery, or to prepare a space for a dental implant to replace a missing tooth. Regardless of if an adult had treatment when they were younger, they may seek treatment as an adult to have a smile they love before a big event like a wedding. Others may want treatment to look younger as aligned teeth present a more youthful smile. Some of our most mature patients, in their late seventies, need treatment to move teeth that are affected by periodontal disease and because they are crowded are not easy to clean. Straight teeth are easier to clean and can help these patients preserve their jawbone and keep their teeth for longer.

When it comes to adult orthodontic treatment, it may take slightly longer because the teeth have been set in the bone for many years. The orthodontist will give choices of what type of orthodontic appliance will be best in each situation. The adult patient may only look to correct slight misalignment or "this one tooth that bothers me” to accomplish a specific goal or they may want comprehensive treatment to straighten their teeth and correct their bite. Adult patients should be very clear about what they want done and the orthodontist will advise on the best way to achieve their goals.

So, can adults from 18-120 years old get their teeth aligned? The answer is a resounding, YES! I compare orthodontics to Walt Disney World Resort: it’s made for kids of all ages.

To learn more about Kaplan Orthodontics, visit:

As Featured in Dunwoody Neighbors

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