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Functionize Health - Movement is Medicine

Functionize Health - Movement is Medicine

October 18, 20234 min read

It’s No Secret that Movement is Medicine. So let’s get moving Dunwoody!

By Lauren Sok, PT, MPT | Owner, Functionize Health and Physical Therapy

If you had a chance to check out the latest documentary series on Netflix called, Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones, one consistent theme stood out. The people that live into their 90’s and beyond make movement part of their lifestyle. While it’s no secret that moving our bodies well and often is key to longevity, the nature of our fast-paced lives makes movement less of a priority.

The first step however is to understand that if you have a body, you are an athlete. We like to call you “an everyday athlete”! Maybe you’re competitive in a sport or dedicated to that fitness class a few times a week. Maybe you would rather bike to work or hike on the weekends than hit the gym, or maybe your “bent-over rows” look a lot more like pulling weeds, and your “deadlifts” look like picking up a toddler. Whoever you are, and whatever you love, you get one body for one life, and it is our passion to help you enjoy it to the fullest!

Keep in mind, if you have been dealing with an injury or are avoiding activities for fear of injury, you are in the right place. You were made to move, and the team at Functionize Health & Physical Therapy believes that with the right information and a little help, you can become a force of movement. So how can you bring more movement into your life? Let’s dive into the role that movement plays in maintaining a healthful life.

Movement is Medicine. Read that again, because there isn’t a single body system or function that isn’t improved by movement. The body was designed to move and, sadly, many of us don’t spend enough time moving. For reference, the World Health Organization defines a “sedentary lifestyle” as anyone who regularly spends more than 6 hours a day sitting. Unfortunately, chances are that you fall into this category.

As specialists in human movement, this is where physical therapists at Functionize Health spend most of their days -working with patients to optimize their movement. As important as it is to keep moving when you already feel pretty good, moving well is the key to injury prevention. Specifically tailored movement is integral to healing if something does go wrong.

If you’re wondering where or how to start, here are some of our favorite tips.

Walk More. Walking is highly underrated. Although we consider this a “non-exercise” movement, walking (especially if it's a brisk pace) can increase heart rate, improve circulation, and promote health in the hips, knees, ankles, and lower back. You will be surprised how much better you will feel when you start getting more walking in regularly. The 10,000 steps-a-day benchmark is a great goal for most people. So, whether you take the stairs instead of the elevator, pop out for a quick walk at lunch, take the dogs a bit farther than usual, or walk your kids to school in the morning, lace up some supportive shoes and get going!

Use A Standing Desk. Although spending too much time in any position can cause muscle fatigue and achiness, using a standing desk actually leads to more overall movement during the day because there is less of a barrier to changing position. Standing has also been shown to increase attention, improve posture, and increase calorie usage. Plus, the more standing you do at work, the less likely you will be to hit that 6 hour sitting mark mentioned above. Due to the correlation between standing and decreased injury, many employers will even cover the cost of this type of ergonomic adjustment.

Get Strong. The stronger you are, the more resilient your body is and the better it will respond to whatever life throws at you. Everything from playing with your kids/grandkids, to working in the yard, to doing housework will seem much easier, and be much less likely to result in an injury. Regardless of what you usually do for exercise, try to include 1-2 days of resistance training and hit all the major muscle groups each day. (We are more than happy to help you figure out how and where to start if you aren’t sure!)

Move Well and Often. Try to move your body every day in a way that is comfortable and enjoyable to you. Maybe that is a hike, or a yoga class, or a swim. It doesn’t have to be the same thing every day; using a variety of different movement patterns and exposing your body to new disciplines is best for your body. Just make sure to do something every day to keep your body (and yourself) happy.

If you’re anything like most of the people we work with, you want more out of life and love being physically active. Making small changes by using the steps above can help you on that path, but don’t try to change everything all at once. Big changes are hard to maintain and lasting change requires consistency. So, simply pick one or two areas and work your way forward from there. If you find you still want more help, reach out!: [email protected] or 404-907-4196.

As featured in Dunwoody Neighbors

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